Tony Edmond

Background Of Tony Edmond

Tony was born at Jackson Memorial Hospital and raised in Miami, Florida. He initially grew up in one of Miami’s toughest neighborhoods, the Pork ‘n’ Bean projects. He was another typical young African American male being raised in the hood without a father. In addition, his father disowned him before a judge in the court of law triggering a more difficult and poverty family lifestyle, while discounting vital lessons that every child needs from a father. Though, he was disowned by his father in the court of law, it happens to be one of his greatest assets in life. Another great asset is that, he’s seen and experienced violent acts as a young man, causing him to realize there had to be a better way and that in order to get different; he must do different. Although, life was not the prettiest, he is truly thankful unto God for blessing him with a strong mother, Nettie Pearl. Statistically the odds were high against Tony, though his tenacious spirit would not allow him to give up.

BackgroundTony has always been an athlete and competitor. Playing the game of football was a great alternative to the many distractions he faced, though somehow violence still had a way of finding him. “Possessing an obscured self-identity combined with peer pressure, my emotional control and decision making skills reflected. As a result, I can relate to what many of our teens and young adults are presently experiencing,” says Tony.

He states; “As a child it was far too often to walk outside of my front door just to witness gambling, drug sells, fights, and even gun fire. Growing up in the projects and some of Miami’s toughest neighborhoods was scary at times. In addition to the outside street violence, throughout a vast amount of childhood and adolescents, I witnessed abusive family relationships and home violence streaming from my grandfather and father down to uncles and an older brother. Needless to say, as a young man I eventually began to model and engage into some of these learned behaviors. Like unto a menace to society, I embraced violence.”

As a pre-teen he recalls having a fist fight or two, but as a teenager and young adult things drastically escalated. He began displaying violent actions towards my girlfriend, fighting and engaging in gun violence. Things eventually got out of hand after a street altercation lead to gun fire exchange and a close call of losing his life. Because of his irrational actions his mother received a death threat phone call on his behalf. She was furiously informed to let him know; that his head was going to be blown off the next time he was seen on the streets.

Selfish and immaturely, I retaliated, says Tony. He made a few phone calls and went on the hunt with 4 car loads of friends, which resulted in an unrelenting bloody fight for several months. However, the lesson in this is that; our actions not only affect us, but our families and those most close to us as well. Truthfully, Tony wasn’t a bad kid. His mother raised him well, but consistent with the aforementioned information, “violence sometimes has a way of finding you; and if your mindset is not right, you’ll respond just as I did,” states Tony. “What I failed to realize is that violence is a temporary satisfaction, just another form of control and a way of always wanting to be right, but never wanting to be wrong, yet in the end; no one wins.”

See, based upon statistics, he should’ve mounted to be nothing; better yet, he should’ve been dead. Fortunately, in time Tony acquired a new mindset. For his life and continued journey, Tony is truly thankful unto God for sparing his life and granting him the opportunity to relinquish violence, to give back and to do all that he can to help make the world a better place by making a positive impact in the lives of others, despite his past. Tony chose to become the change that he seeks to make and no longer the product of his environment. He believes that the inner self-gratification is priceless, which ignited him to establish the inspiring organization, Edmond Enterprise, Inc. “Ultimately, it’s not about the way you start, but about the way you finish”, say’s Tony.

Current Involvement

Presently, through Edmond Enterprise, Inc., Tony is working very diligent as an Inspirational Speaker/Life Strategy Coach, Advocate against school and community violence, Mentor, Fitness Enthusiast/Fitness Model and Actor. In doing so, his passion and mission is to reach, educate and inspire, while, touching the minds and striking the hearts of as many people as possible to “Stop the Violence,” reach their highest potential and personal greatness. Tony is also a Green Belt student of self-defense martial arts, which consist of Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, Weng-Chung, Jeet Kun Do, Chin Na and Kali, which he also shares with youth and young adults in an effort to provide a better alternative to street violence. The objective is to encourage a more positive and healthier life style to include mind, body and spirit through diverse practices, comprising of public/inspirational speaking, education/prevention, fitness, martial arts, radio and television PSAs and even billboards. According to Tony, “It’s going to take a village to take back and to save our communities from violent acts and crime, which confirms the importance of everyone, including kids, teenagers, young adults and adults of every race to get out and be a part of the solution.”

Current InvolvementWithin the communities of Northwest Florida as well as other parts of the state of Florida and the nation, Tony strives to give of his generosity and selfless service in many ways. While on his journey in 2013, Tony has provided life transformational Health and Fitness messages for the Pentecostal Worship Center’s Family & Friend’s Day and Single’s Retreat located in Panama City, Florida. He has also had the humble privilege of providing violence awareness Public Service Announcements (PSAs) with the local radio stations and speaking at the In The Spirit of Giving Christmas event hosted by Parents Against Injustice and Negligence (P.A.I.N.), Stop Da Violence 7 (SDV7) Basketball Shootout hosted by former Light, middle and heavyweight Champion boxer, Roy Jones Jr., Stop the Violence Community Outreach and Awareness Explosion hosted by Parents Against Injustice and Negligence (P.A.I.N.), Stop the Violence and Positive Motivation Event hosted by Been There Done That, Trayvon Martin’s Peaceful March and Rally and Pine Forest High School varsity football team amongst others. To no surprise he has hit the ground running in 2014 working with Deputy Wiggins of the Escambia County Sheriff Department in speaking to a group of youth at the Ward’s Temple AFM Church of God in Cantonment, Florida, Save Our City Pensacola (SOCP) Violence Awareness Program and at the Reimagine Warrington event courtesy of the Doers of the Word Ministry with many more to come. Encompassed with educating school aged children, teens, young adults and communities, Tony has designed a “Rules of Engagement” card, which consists of several Rules of engagement (prevention strategies) to assist, educate, inspire and highlight awareness and ways to “Stop the Violence.”

Violence is a growing epidemic, therefore we must stay diligent and consistent with precise and firm determination in order to “Stop the Violence” and increase the peace in our communities. “Despite my greatest asset; I’m determined to “Do My Part” by paying it forward. Therefore, I have become all things to all men (women), so that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22”, says Tony.

Accomplishments (Fitness and Acting)

Tony Edmond, also known as “Sergeant Flex” has been featured in 3 different issues of Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness magazine, Natural Awakenings magazine, Physique Magazine, the Panama City Living magazine and is a Fitness Model for TriVex Sports. He has also been featured on the INBF (International Natural Bodybuilding Federation) website home page as well as being featured in the Hip Hop R&B group Cloud Nein’s music video, “Kickin.” played a key Acting role in the live gospel stage play, “Praying Grandmothers, ” and made a cameo appearance in the live gospel stage play, “Google God.” To no surprise these appearances carved a new beginning for his Acting career. Because of his classic good looks, chiseled physique comprised with his irresistible personality and easy going charm he is a natural for the big screen. Tony recently landed his latest Acting appearances in the new hottest web base/ television series of 2014-2015, “A Diva’s Takeover,” a forthcoming “Ballroom Dance Fitness” (BDF) infomercial, as well as a supporting role in a 48 Hour Film Project, “Really… Time Machine?” He is believed to be the hottest and latest Men’s Physique and Fitness Model to burst on the scenes while gracing our presence in the new 2013 year, which landed his feature as the cover model for The Chocolate Connection 2014 calendar. “Sergeant Flex” is a three times award winning Men’s Physique division champion representing first places in the 2011 NPC Panhandle Showdown Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Figure Championship held in Pensacola, Florida, the 2011 NPC Steel World Bodybuilding, Fitness, & Figure Championship held in Mobile, Alabama and the 2011 NPC Southern USA Bodybuilding (Shannon Dey Classic), and Panama City Bodybuilding & Figure Classic held in Panama City Beach, Florida. He also placed 2nd in the Open Men’s Physique division in the 2011 NPC Southern USA bodybuilding (Shannon Dey Classic) competition as well.

accomplishmentsDue to these astounding accomplishments he has been place in an NPC (National Physique Committee) National Qualified “Pro Card” status to include an IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) professional status as well as a qualifier for Junior USA Championships. He was sponsored by Pro Lab Nutrition as an all-natural bodybuilder during his three successful years of competing. He began competing as a natural body builder in 2003. The shows he’s competed in are the: 2003 MWR Battle of the Body Championship, Kitzegen, Germany (2nd place winner), and the 2003, 2004, and 2005 INBF U.S. Forces- Europe Natural Bodybuilding Championship, which were held in Darmstadt, Germany and Kaiserslautern, Germany. In these competitions the judging resulted in astonishing finishes of either 1st and/or 2nd place.

He began personal training in 2004 in Vilseck, Germany and is presently continuing to change lives through his personal training, fitness insights and life coaching skills globally. “Sergeant Flex” is not only a fitness enthusiast and Gold Ambassador for the Get America Fit Foundation (GAFF), but he is also a philanthropist due to his generosity and selfless service in the local community as a volunteer mentor and assistant high school football and track coach, certified USA Football and Pop Warner youth league assistant football coach, as well as a former inspiring magazine columnist for the Panama City Living magazine, where he encourages fitness, good nutrition, and healthy living. Consistent with the aforementioned statement; Tony has always been an athlete and competitor. Throughout his entire childhood he had always loved playing football, which was a great alternative to the many distractions he faced, though he was no angel and had his share of violet acts. Playing the game of football all through elementary, middle and high school and eventually moving on to play semi-pro football, “Sergeant Flex” developed a dream to ultimately play college and professional football.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of focus this dream would pass him by, even though a few years after graduating from high school, he eventually went on to obtain a higher education achieving an Electronics Technology degree from Bauder College located in Miami, Florida. “My dream had passed me by, a vital lesson learned.” Years later as he continued to seek his place in this world, he found himself wanting and needing a change, while discovering a sudden epiphany that he had the heart and mindset of a servant. “I knew I had to find my place in this world. I wanted to make a positive impact in this life.”

Selfless Service

He Joined the United States Army, (1996-2004). Becoming a soldier not only permitted him to serve and to have a since of belonging, but this experience also allowed him to realize that he was a natural born leader as he achieved and proudly served in the rank of Staff Sergeant (E-6) and in an Acting First Sergeant position in charge of over 100 troops, which is equivalent to an (E-8) position. His service was spent stateside and on foreign grounds. “My Army career was an experience I wouldn’t trade for nothing in the world. I loved and really miss soldering. There is no greater feeling you get from training and transforming a young man’s life and mindset from being a dirt bag off the streets into becoming a true soldier, a mean green fighting machine.”

Selfless ServiceHe was forced to discontinue his Army career after sustaining a few injuries while deployed overseas. “That hurt me, because I had to leave my uniform behind. I am a soldier at heart,” he said. He served in a combat arms career (MOS) as a Field Artillery/ Forward Observer (13F30) and as a Fire Support Non-Commissioned Officer, while performing Infantry duties. “FISTER,” Hooah!

As he’s always striving, he went on to successfully own and operate a fruit smoothie juice bar (Smoothie Zone), in which he established on three separate U.S. Army military instillations in Germany, as well as stateside on the Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, Florida. After discontinuing this business endeavor “Sergeant Flex” decided to return to school. He attended Keiser University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida graduating in 2010 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a Management concentration. He is also a Certified Instructional Substitute Teacher and is presently a Grad Student pursuing a Master of Arts (MA) in Sport-Exercise Psychology with Argosy University.

“The Best of Sergeant Flex 2013” is one of his latest in an already impressive array of projects. The “SGT. FLEX 2013” Calendar is a quality all-in-one eye candy, mind stimulating and inspirational exclusive view of Sergeant Flex for an entire 12 months. The images were shot on some of the most beautiful and preserved secrets and top rated hidden beaches of Panama City Beach, Florida. The “SGT. FLEX 2013” Calendar is far different and offers more detail than any of its kind. More so it is a physique and fitness calendar that is not only designed to be an eye pleaser, but to enhance your life by providing health and fitness educational insights to include Q And A’s, and myths and facts. A portion of all proceeds from SGT. FLEX’s calendar will be used to support the Wounded Warrior Project.

Leisure and Future Goals

LeisureWhen “Sergeant Flex” is not busy fitness training or working to help others, you can find him reading a book, while relaxing on the beach, riding jet skis, bike riding, swimming or in a local bowling alley shooting a friendly game of pool. Some of his future goals are to fitness/body model for many of the leading name brand nutrition energy and supplement companies, underwear, T-shirts, magazines and sportswear firms, to be featured as an Actor in major television commercials, print advertisements, music videos and to continue empowering lives as a Life Coach, and health/fitness and violence awareness advocate in speaking engagement workshops all across the world, so embrace yourself for much more of Tony, “Sergeant Flex.”

Ultimately, his goal is to educate, motivate and inspire, and to reach the world by enhancing the lives of as many as possible to be happy, positive and to live a healthier life style through his holistic and complete fitness approach to include, mind, body and spirit. Therefore, I have become all things to all men (women), so that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22.

Tony Edmond:
Name: Tony Edmond (a.k.a. “Sgt. Flex”)
Birthplace: Miami, Florida
Born: July 8th
Residence: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 175 – 185
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Brown