In Order to Stop the Violence (PSA)

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Tony gives back to the Pensacola, Florida community through a local radio station by providing an encouraging Public Service Announcement (PSA) message to come together and “Stop the Violence.”

“In order to stop the violence, we must first avoid the violence.” The psychology of violence is that your thoughts, feelings and emotions want to be in control at all times. Violence is a temporary satisfaction, just another form of control and a way of always wanting to be right, but never wanting to be wrong, yet in the end; no one wins. We all lose! It’s going to take a village to take back and to save our communities from violent acts and crime, which confirms the importance of everyone, including kids, teenagers, young adults and adults of every race to be a part of the solution. Be the bigger man, be the bigger woman, be unique, be different, walk away! You then become more powerful than anything that stands up against you. Learn more on ways to prevent school and community violence at National Crime Prevention Council or and report suspected troubling behaviors by calling 433-S-T-O-P. That’s 433-78-67.

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